Grosse Ile High/Middle School
Grosse Ile Athletic Boosters
The Grosse Ile Athletic Booster Club aims to support and encourage the
participation and interest of the Grosse Ile varsity athletic program.
The club organizes and funds athletic presentations each season to
recognize and honor the students who participate in the GIHS sports.
The club provides financial or physical assistance and scholarships for
student athletes within its means, while supporting the Grosse Ile High
School Athletic Department.
If your children are participating in school athletics on Grosse Ile,
we are helping to fund them in some way, and we ask that you join
us in supporting them and the rest of the school’s athletic efforts.
Our Membership Fee is only $35.00! While we do put on fundraisers
during the year, an extremely important part of our funding
comes from our memberships.
As a member we would love you to join us in helping to
run the Athletic Boosters. All members are welcome at our meetings
which is the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the
High School. If you are interested in attending or volunteering, please
send email to
Scan the QR code and pay now! Make sure in the notes to write your name as you would like it to appear in Athletic Program |
our President or Jim Okler, our outstanding Athletic Director, at, to confirm the
date and specific location. Getting involved lets you shape when and
where our funds are spent and gives you an up-close seat for decisions
about Grosse Ile Athletics.
We also welcome any and all assistance with our fundraisers, even just attending them!
Funds raised through our membership drive, comedy show, golf outing, legacy brick sales, and concessions support all our sports teams. The very popular (and 100% fun) 2025 GIAB golf outing will be held in September at the Grosse Ile Golf & Country Club. It is always a great time so please put it on your calendar and look for information about signing up shortly. The legacy bricks outside the stadium make great commemorations for new graduates and reunions. Please reach out to Patrice Lehmann at for information about them.
With Sincere Thanks,
Jay Frucci, President
(Scan and pay now or Please Clip & Mail to Address Above)
Name ____________________________________ I would like to volunteer:
(as you would like it to appear in athletic programs)
Cell ph. __________________ __ Comedy Night__ Banquets __ Golf Outing
Street Address______________________ __ Concessions __ Tickets __ Clerical/Programs
Email _______________________________
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