Grosse Ile High/Middle School
Grosse Ile Athletic Boosters
Meeting Minutes
Athletic Booster Minutes for December 2024
Start of Meeting - 7:28 PM
Attendance: Jim Okler; Patrice Lehmann; Annette Frendo; Shelly Wallace; and Drew Goering (Hudl Rep)
Guest Speaker: Drew Goering to discuss the Hudl program GIAB is looking at. Coach Jim Frost is spearheading program.
Review what Coach Frost had previously mentioned - there are 9 teams Hudl can cover. Package we are looking at includes (2) cameras and a portable camera which can be used by Lacrosse; Soccer; and Hockey. Hudl and Hudl Assist does all 9 teams and stats for football. Liability for any broken cameras - replacement at no cost. Pricing would start with a pro-rated pricing. There would be a (2) year contract signed if start with pro-rated package. The package itself would include a mobile camera and two mounted $11,400; if we do it right now it would be $5,596 for half season until August. The second year would be $10K then build up to the $11,400. We are currently paying $4,500 for (3) teams of basketball; basketball is paying 1/3 and GIAB is the rest.
President's Report: Approved the prior month's meeting. Selling at Homecoming; sold 4; gift 1 to Dr Carter and 5 left; $140 plus $80 on the sale of merch. Award night paid for football and athletic programs and GiGi for Hudl. Looking at Comedy Night for March 15th at Wyandotte Boat Club. More info to come at January's meeting.
VP - Membership 44; ideas for the larger sponsors is a stadium blanket with GIAB on them; bills to pay Karns for $448 insurance; O'Brien for $500 for form 990 for multiply years; Paragraxs for programs - $1288.00 plus $385 award night; Paid Patti $475 for football programs and we have another bill for award night (need to get copy). Shelly has the Spirit Ticket program tickets; will start program after break
and students have a chance to win a $10 gift card. Shelly had $117.58 spirit tickets; $90.60 glow sticks.
Treasurer: Hudl bill paid; Patti Paid
Secretary - nothing to report - will get back to the Legacy Brick program after the new year.
AD - records board to be updated on Tuesday; 2025 2026 - swim hockey girls tennis soccer teams ; finalize soccer positions - have after new year.
The all gym floors being done 27th thru January 7th; power ad board - technical nightmare; Patti and Tech dept working on it; need to think future who will be managing; presented a T-shirt fundraiser program that a vendor sent to athletic department; a booster fund program request form - similar to asking for grant; it is a Google form; Jim O has a form tonight with a formal request to GIAB for monitor to display team pictures. Annette approved to make the purchase and Shelly and Patrice supported.
The track and stadium are not ready for walk through yet because of needing to finalize some items.
End of Meeting: 9:01 PM - Jim Okler motioned; Shelly approved.
Athletic Booster Meeting minutes for November 13th, 2024
Athletic Booster Meeting minutes for November 13th, 2024:
Call to order@ 7:21PM - Note we took trip over to football field to take a look and then started meeting after that.
Attendance: Annette Frendo; Patrice Lehmann; Linda Drzyzga; Jim Okler; Alan Carter; Jenna Graves; Anthony Farino; Leah Symons; Greg Meyering; Tara Cannatella; Karina LaBelle; and Nate Frendo
President: tabling membership items from the previous meeting
We discussed giving GG Club the payment of $1099 for the HUDLE to finish out the year.
Upcoming Events: Basketball Team - community based pep rally; cheer team; basketball team; and dance team. November 23rd is the date and Booster will have a membership table set up.
Request from Mrs. Carter to have fun items to hand out in general. Looking into more of that right now.
Vice President: not in attendance
Treasurer - not in attendance
Secretary - nothing to report at this time
AD Report - reminder of
Nick Matroka - high school coach
Mirah Wilke - softball coach
Assistance Coach Wrestling for high school resigned;
MS coach is open
Girl's jv varsity soccer is open - former coach is not able to return due to job
Annual Slam dunk for Hunger - girls varsity - 2 can goods then only $1 to get in the game - December 3rd - donated to local
Fundraiser for Stadium - possible selling special seats for viewing at like $500 for season - fundraiser for booster (school)
Comedy Night - looking at when, where, and who will be handling
New Business/Old Business: Jim Frost to speak on the Hudle package for all sports.
Electrical - this district is picking up the cost when needed for setting up Hudle. ? Jim O more about this.
Hudle Information: from Jim Frost - package looking at $8500 annually called AD package - you get unlimited teams to use it. Looking at Boosters picking up costs and then teams using pay portion of costs. Athletes can use it to view their performance and send it to potential colleges for recruitment. Hudle will film Varsity and sub varsity.
Cameras around the school; starting with the football field and if soccer on the back field will be approx additional $3k for another camera. Jefferson; Milan; Airport; Monroe CC. and if we are at those schools we can let them know ahead of time and we can get copies from the schools who have it. If approved need to figure out each team's responsibility and then how much is boosters willing to contribute. Limited warranty and if any damage that is not during an actual event could fall back on school. ? regarding any installation fee and response was school responsibility as GI Tech department is working on it. No discussion can be made this evening as we are without two voting board members so an email will be sent with all information needed to do so. How is the pricing - based on what dates; example like per school year; is it pro-rated? Asking Jim Frost if a rep can come next meeting on December 11th.
Open Discussion - The Lacrosse coach had mentioned they had their fundraiser and are still in need of money. He was advised there is a form that needs to be filled out with request for anything. Also he asked when they are up for next uniforms; Jim O advised that it is every four years.
End of Meeting - Annette motion to adjourn; Patrice Second - at 8:16 PM